
This Weird Trick Actually Prevents the Flu!

Exercised lately? Chances are if you're an adult American, you've spent more time surfing Youtube or watching television instead of getting in 30 minutes of physical activity--something that many of us skip out on just because we're "just not in the mood." But perhaps this will kick your butt into gear. According to a new report from the U.K., staying active just isn't great for a trim waistline--it may also significantly reduce your risk of the flu. Although spring is…
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Doing This on the Weekends Helps You Lose Weight

For most people, it's a vicious cycle: Near-perfect eating habits during the week, which often crumble into a diet of fries and pizza during the weekend. For those who can't resist the urge to splurge during the weekend, it's often a habit hard to break--but now researchers say this isn't such a bad idea. Reporting their findings in the journal Obesity Facts, researchers say that those who don't follow their diets on the weekend are actually normal eaters--and in the…
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Do These 3 Things to Stay Healthy After 50

At age 76, Ernestine Shepard isn't your typical senior. Earning a spot in the Guinness World Records 3 years ago, Shepard is one of the oldest female bodybuilders ever to compete--giving her the body and health of a 30 year old. And although she isn't as big as Iris Kyle, Shepard boasts a benching record of 150lbs and runs several miles a day. Better yet, she only started to exercise in her 50s. "I was too prissy to exercise [before…
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Do This 2 Minutes a Day to Reduce Neck Pain By 40%

It's a plight most office workers face: Chronic neck and shoulder pain after a long day of work. The reason? Poor posture while sitting down--many workers are prone to hunching over, putting unnecessary pressure on the neck and shoulders. However, now researchers say there may be a simple way to deal with the pain--by doing a short, 2 minute exercise. "We hypothesized that performing two minutes of daily neck/shoulder resistance training for 10 weeks will beneficially alter the muscular activity…
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This 1 Weird Trick Speeds Up Your Metabolism

Feeling the chill outside? If you're tempted to turn your thermostat to high, you may want to rethink it--especially if you're trying to lose weight. In the scientific journal Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism on Wednesday, researcher Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt published new research suggesting that exposing yourself regularly to cold--but not freezing--temperatures helps people burn more calories compared to those who preferred to stay toasty warm. In essence, it's a metabolism booster. "Since most of us are exposed to…
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