Articles - Page17

Doing This Tricks Your Brain to Exercise HARDER!

Having trouble staying motivated during your workout? Here's one way to fight it: Listen to music. A new study from McMaster University in Canada reveals that people who listened to music during high intensity exercise worked out harder and longer than those who did not. As an added bonus, listening to music seemed to make the exercise seem easier, even if the workout was very strenuous, say researchers. "Many people find the experience aversive," says Matthew Stork, a graduate student…
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Doing This Makes You FAIL Your Diet?

When it comes to losing weight, staying motivated matters. But regardless of how motivated you are, it won't overcome serious limitations, say researchers--such as having limited access to healthy food. "Changing the environment alone cannot produce results," says Wenjun Li, Ph.D., an associate professor of medicine and director of the Health Statistics and Geography Lab at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. "However, efforts to try to change a person will be very limited without improving the environment." Li recently…
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This 1 Simple Trick Helps You Eat Fewer Calories

Having trouble keeping your weight under control? Try this: Text messaging. A recent study from the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health says that people who received a weekly text message reminding them of their recommended caloric intake were more likely to remember their caloric limit--and stick to it. Those who opted not to receive a daily text message were more than twice as likely to forget how many calories they needed to consume everyday, however. The findings…
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This Controversial Diet is Best for Diabetics

For diabetics, controlling their blood glucose remains a top priority. Yet other problems that often occur with this disease, such as increased body pain and poorer health in general, often go unaddressed as the disease progresses. Researcher say they've found a way to improve a diabetic's quality of life while keeping their blood glucose under control, however. According to their study, now featured in the health journal Diabetologia, diabetics who consumed a low-carbohydrate diet with an emphasis on wholesome foods…
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Do This at Work To Burn 1000 Calories a DAY!

Want to lose weight? Here's one way to do it: Walk on a treadmill instead of sitting down during work. Yes, that's right--the best way to lose weight may simply be switching out your chair for a treadmill. But how many calories does it burn? Turns out it's quite a lot, according to Dr. James Levine, author of Move a Little, Lose a Lot, who estimates you'll burn up to 130 calories per hour. Space this out over a usual…
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Do This 20 Minutes a Day For an Instant Memory Boost

Got bad memory? Instead of popping a few pills, try this: Lift weights. A new study from the Georgia Institute of Technology says that those who lifted weights for just 20 minutes a day enhanced their long-term memory recall by 10 percent, regardless of their actual physical condition. The findings are now published in the journal Acta Psychologica. "Our study indicates that people don't have to dedicate large amounts of time to give their brain a boost," says Lisa Weinberg,…
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Add This to Your Diet To Stop Memory Loss

Want to stay smart as you age? Here's one way to prevent it: Have more vitamin D. A new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals that a higher-than-average consumption of vitamin D in the diets of middle-age rats helped them retain more of their memory--allowing them to complete tasks better. The study was led by researchers from the University of Kentucky. "This process is like restocking shelves in grocery stores," says Nada Porter,…
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This Has to Be the Grossest Way to Get Skinny

Want to lose weight? One nutritionist says paying attention to your bowel movements could help. Author Brenda Watson, who recently penned The Skinny Gut Diet, says that increasing the amount of a certain bacteria in your gut--one that coincidentally makes you "regular"--may also help you lose more weight, though the reasons why aren't clear. Now, she wants anyone dealing with obesity to try her diet. "Fiber isn't just good for bulking up stool, it's also the primary source of food…
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Add This To Your Diet to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

According to recent estimates, Alzheimer's disease is expected to triple 2050, with no cure in sight. New research reported in Stem Cell Research & Therapy reveals a new treatment may be on the horizon, however--and it's found in your favorite curry. Led by Dr. Adele Rueger, a researcher from the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine in Julich, Germany, researchers say turmeric, a common spice used in curries, helps rebuild the brain, reversing the effects of Alzheimer's disease. "While several substances…
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The 1 Weird Reason Why You PIG OUT at Restaurants!

It's a habit that's hard to stop--overindulging at your favorite restaurant. But why are so we prone to overeating when we go out? While some may put the blame on oversized portions, a new study from Cornell University says what matters more are the people you're eating with--and their own personal fitness level. Worse yet, our temptation to eat more is a subconscious thing that isn't always easy to control, say researchers. "This finding emphasizes the importance of pre-committing to…
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