Articles - Page20

This Diet Reduces Your Dementia Risk By 90 Percent!

Don't eat a healthy diet? Doing so now won't just increase your risk of obesity later in life--it could now cause dementia. A study from the University of Eastern Finland says that those who ate a healthy diet at 50 were 90 percent less likely to develop dementia later on in life. While it isn't the first study to link a healthy diet with a reduced risk of dementia, it is the first to look at a person's overall diet…
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This is the Only Diet That Lowers Blood Pressure

While most people choose to go vegetarian for ethical reasons, researchers say there's a more important reason to cut out the meat--it could lower your blood pressure. Reporting in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers say that people who consumed a vegetarian diet were more likely to have lower levels of blood pressure than those who consumed a meat-based diet. Having lower blood pressure also meant their risk of heart disease was low--making it not just great for…
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This 1 Simple Exercise Makes You Smarter

Want a sharper mind as you age? Forget brain games--engaging in cardiovascular exercise could protect your brain later on in life, say researchers. A new study published in the health journal Neurobiology says that engaging in exercise regularly helps improve blood flow to the brain, reducing the risk of cognitive decline as people age. The research was led by Claudine Gauthier, a researcher from the University of Montreal. "Our body's arteries stiffen with age, and the vessel hardening is believed…
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Eating This Makes it Impossible to Eat Healthy Foods!

We all love junk food--but is indulging in a cookie or crisp changing your appetite? A new study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology alleges that eating junk food for just two weeks can cause your brain to become addicted, making it nearly impossible to eat a balanced diet. Not surprisingly, it will also make you fat too, say researchers. "These experiments sought to determine whether exposure to a cafeteria diet consisting of palatable high fat foods impacts upon…
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Why Experts Say You Should Only Follow THIS Diet

Many diets promise to help people lose weight, but few can say they've earned the title "World's Best Diet." But now researchers from the University of Copenhagen say they've uncovered a diet plan that not only helps people lose weight but feel and look good too. Based off a European study called the Diogenes Diet, researchers says that eating a diet high in protein and low-GI carbs is the best diet you can try--not just because it helps you lose…
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Adding This To Your Diet Prevents Heart Disease

While maintaining a healthy weight may be your best defense against metabolic syndrome, not everyone can--or wants--to lose weight, according to health experts. New research from St. Michael's Hospital in Canada reveals that you may not need to lose weight to avoid this potentially fatal problem, however. The research, led by Dr. John Sievenpiper, says that those who ate tree nuts reduced two of the five markers linked to metabolic syndrome--including a reduction in blood sugars and blood fats known…
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This 1 Simple Diet Change Stops Heart Disease

Want to reduce your risk of heart disease? Getting most of your protein from soy may be more effective, according to new research from the Wake Forest School of Medicine. Researchers previously knew that women who regularly consumed protein from soy products--something common among Asian-born women--were the least likely to develop heart disease. However, those who switched to an animal-based diet later in life began developing heart disease more rapidly, leading researchers to hold a study investigating how different proteins…
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This Simple 30 Minute Exercise Stops Heart Failure

We all know exercise is good for us--but statistics show most of us aren't making it a habit. According to the President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition, less than 5 percent of adults get 30 minutes of physical activity each day, with many more who just don't exercise. Now research shows skimping on exercise could prove deadly, especially if you're an older woman. Reporting in the Journal of the American Heart Association, researchers say post-menopausal women who stayed the…
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Why This Chemical is Making Your KIDS Fat!

We gain weight for many reasons--but could exposure to a secret chemical also do harm? Scientists from the University of Michigan say that mothers exposed to lead could cause their children to become obese later in life, according to their research. "The data support the obesogen hypothesis that toxicant exposures in the womb contribute to the higher rate of obesity," says Dana Dolinoy, a John G. Searle Assistant Professor of Environmental Health Sciences. "There are certain chemicals that are considered…
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The #1 Diet Women NEED To Avoid!

It's no secret that most of us want to lose weight--but how far is too far? A new diet trend among brides-to-be has health experts worried that women could be putting their lives in danger. Called the K-E diet, or the feeding tube diet, this diet supposedly helps brides lose weight by--you guessed it--hooking them up to feeding tubes to give them a low calorie solution of vitamins, minerals, and virtually no carbs. But believe it or not, it works,…
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