
This Exercise is Clinically Proven to Build BIG Biceps!

For men, it’s the pinnacle of a great physique–large, chiseled biceps.

Now researchers say they’ve identified the best exercise to build that coveted bicep peak.

Reporting from the University of Wisconsin LaCrosse, exercise scientists ran a series of tests to see which bicep exercise was best at activating the biceps brachii, something needed to stimulate bicep growth.

As it turned out, that exercise happened to be concentration curls.

“When you look at it, the concentration curl was significantly better than anything else,” says John Porcari, Ph.D., department head of the Clinical Exercise Physiology program at the University of Wisconsin LaCrosse. “And I think the reason is that you’re really isolating the biceps muscle more so than in any of the other exercises.”

Concentration curls, a type of isolation bicep exercise, is commonly done seated, using only one dumbbell at a time. Notably, concentration curls are harder to execute properly than your standard barbell curl, often making them unpopular with bodybuilders. However, concentration curls focus specifically on the biceps brachii unlike some bicep exercises, forcing you to work harder.

And that means bigger biceps in the process.

“Definitely don’t skip the concentration curl if you want to get stronger biceps,” says Scott Young, M.S., a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin LaCrosse and a personal trainer. “Motivation-wise, it always helps when you can see results.”

So what did researchers do?

  • First, researchers complied a list of exercises people commonly use to target the biceps, including cable curls, barbell curls, concentration curls, and chin-ups.
  • Next, they recruited 16 men and women between the ages of 18 to 24 with previous experience with weightlifting. Before beginning the study, researchers also had them attend one practice session so they understood how to do each bicep exercise correctly.
  • Then, when the study commenced, the participants did all of the bicep exercises either using their bodyweight or weights. Researchers also attached electrodes to their biceps, anterior deltoids, and their brachioradialis muscles to keep track of their total muscle activity.

After the study, researchers complied the data together, and found that all exercises increased muscle activation by around at least 70 percent. But the clear winner here were concentration curls, which increased muscle activation by nearly 100 percent.

The second best exercise, cable curls, only activated it by around 80 percent.

“The upside of doing a concentration curl is that you pretty much totally isolate the biceps,” says Porcari. “Some of the other exercises called into play the anterior deltoid or the front of your shoulder more, and for a lot of those, it’s almost natural to just swing your whole arm or shoulder forward to stabilize before you lift.”

What You Should Do

Wanted that coveted bicep peak? Then forget doing endless rounds of bicep curls and chin-ups–instead, adding concentration curls to your routine could help you build that peak faster.

Readers: What other exercises do you do to build muscle?

Study: Concentration Curls Shown to Be Most Effective Exercise for the
ACE Study Reveals Best Biceps

About The Author: Zero to Hero Fitness!

Our mission at Zero to Hero Fitness is to help you to finally lose the weight and keep it off, strengthen your body and mind, and experience naturally high levels of energy throughout the day. We believe everyone, regardless of your past or current struggles with your health or fitness, can greatly improve on your existing condition and live life in your best body possible.

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