
This Fruit Lowers Blood Sugar and Your Hip Size INSTANTLY!

Mangoes are a good way to get your sweet fix–and now, it could even lower your blood sugar, a risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

Research recently published in Nutrition and Metabolic Insights says that obese adults who consumed mangoes regularly had lower blood sugar–and better yet, seemed to have a positive effect on their weight.

Now health experts say adding mangoes to your diet could be essential for those at risk of type 2 diabetes.

“We are excited about these promising findings for mangoes, which contain many bioactive compounds, including mangiferin, an antioxidant that may contribute to the beneficial effects of mango on blood glucose,” says Edralin Lucas, Ph.D., an Oklahoma State University associate professor of nutritional sciences. “In addition, mangoes contain fiber, which can help lower glucose absorption into the blood stream.”

In the study, Lucas recruited a group of 20 adults with an obese body mass index, or BMI, to eat a diet containing more mangoes, something he believed could affect their blood sugar. Elevated blood sugar can be a sign of pre-diabetes, a condition that can eventually lead to type 2 diabetes–a fact that researchers want to change.

First, researchers asked them to follow their usual diet and exercise habits, but then asked them to include a 10 gram serving of freeze-dried mangoes to their daily eating schedule. Then, while monitoring their food intake with food records, they measured their body measurements, body composition, and blood sugar during the next 12 weeks while they adhered to their diet.

By the end of the study, they found that mango helped lower their blood sugar–as well as lowering abdominal body fat in men.

“Our results indicate that daily consumption of 10 grams of freeze-dried mango, which is equivalent to about one-half of a fresh mango (about 100 grams), may help lower blood sugar in obese individuals,” says Lucas. “However, the precise component and mechanism has yet to be found and further clinical trials are necessary, particularly in those that have problems with sugar control, such as diabetics, are necessary.”

While Lucas isn’t quite sure why mango had this effect on obese adults, other experts believe the mango’s antioxidant and fiber content could be important for regulating blood sugar. Normalizing blood sugar levels also helps with another key part of obesity: Appetite.

Their advice? Start eating more mangoes.

“We believe this research suggests that mangoes may give obese individuals a dietary option in helping them maintain or lower their blood sugar,” says Lucas.

What You Should Do

Having trouble fighting the bulge–or lowering your blood sugar? Try adding a 10 gram serving of mango to your daily diet as an easy way to keep your blood sugar under control. They also have the added bonus of antioxidants, chemicals which can also lower your cancer risk.

Readers: What are your favorite fruits to eat for weight loss?

Study: Eating a 10 Gram Serving of Mango Reduces Blood Sugar and Hip Size in Men –

About The Author: Zero to Hero Fitness!

Our mission at Zero to Hero Fitness is to help you to finally lose the weight and keep it off, strengthen your body and mind, and experience naturally high levels of energy throughout the day. We believe everyone, regardless of your past or current struggles with your health or fitness, can greatly improve on your existing condition and live life in your best body possible.

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